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MetGIS at a Glance

  • ultra-precise weather forecasts with a resolution of up to 30 m

  • available word-wide, also in the most remote areas

  • optimized for mountainous regions and complex terrain

  • smart APIs for an easy integration of weather data

  • extremely detailed weather layers & zoomable maps

  • special industry solutions and parameters

Why is the MetGIS algorithm so precise?

MetGIS applies highly innovative forecast techniques, combining the output of numerical weather prediction models with extremely high resolution topographic data. The expression MetGIS is comprised of the syllables “Met” (abbreviating Meteorology) and “GIS” (standing for Geographic Information System).

Especially over mountainous terrain this results in a clear advantage of MetGIS compared to conventional meteorological forecast systems, since the exact altitude and location of forecast points enters the prediction process.

What are the origins of MetGIS?

It all began as a university-based research project. 10 years later experts from Europe, Russia, South America and Japan had developed the MetGIS algorithms.

Very specific expert knowledge, covering a wide range of fields such as of meteorology, snow science, geographic information systems and software engineering, allowed the construction of highly detailed forecasts. Several verification studies displayed a baffling accuracy.

When more and more customers started knocking on the door MetGIS was founded.